Getting lippy with it …


After a long weekend, I had a 07:30 AM coffee meeting at St Pancras Train Station this morning ….. which called for a dash of red lipstick to detract from my tired eyes and sticky shampoo I’d not washed out of my hair, it was a rush of a morning.

I was super jealous of all the travellers making their way to the Eurostar and so nostalgic of all the trips I made from London to Leicester when I was at university. I needed that flat white to pull me from my haze.

So imagine my delight, when I found my new Clinique ‘High Impact Colour’ – Red-y to Wear – in my makeup bag still in it’s little box all squeaky clean! My mum had treated me to it at on our trip to the CentreMK, I mean sure I’ve got plenty of red lipsticks but the sales lady was excellent and I’m assured it gives me the ‘snow white’ look I was hoping for!!

At £18.00 it’s at the high end of good lipstick prices and the packaging is lovely. However, it does a great job of defining my lips. It stays on pretty much full for a good 4 hours, which if you’re a red lipstick lover you’ll know is a rarity.

What lipstick are you wearing at the moment?

Becky x




Blog Off.

I decided to blog everyday, it was going to become something I loved and  was good at …. But it’s not as easy as that is it?

My first post gained a few likes and It suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t really have anything interesting to say and  I didn’t want to embarrass myself. Almost 5 months later and I’m back with a fresh look at this whole blogging thing. After lots of ups and downs at work and moving house and being reasonably stressed, life is back on an even keel and I have time for a little self-indulgent writing and reading – thank goodness for that!!

So here I am after my holiday looking much happier, teeth looking ever so wonky (?) and without a scrap of makeup on!!!

Becky x

Where it began …..

Buying cosmetics is for me a life long pleasure, that rarely gets old. If simply being a girl isn’t the reason, I blame my Mum and her mother  – they both have/had routines, serious relationships with the very orange women in Lloyd’s Pharmacy and a weakness for lipsticks.

My Nan adored makeup; during the summer holidays, every morning my mum would drop me off and I would sit next to my Nan’s cream dressing table watching intently as she ‘put on her face’. This happened for years and I kept a close eye on her product choices, her precise eye shadow technique and the smell of it all.

My mum on the other hand is quite frankly a store assistants dream. She loves all makeup, but mostly those in shiny packaging, lipsticks who have been *designed* by celebrities and of course The Christmas Sets. You should have seen us the first time we stepped into Space NK, I feared for my credit rating.

My mum and I send weekly emails with internet links to new products with brief subject headings such as: WOW or I HAVE TO HAVE THIS.

We have, like most women a problem; one that started with Boots and now has us caught between shop sentiment and the plethora of online websites offering discounts and orgasms through our letter box …… What? I love my Nars Blush!

Becky x